Black Bear Encounters

There’s something unsettling, visceral even, about a bear attacking a person. It’s not the way it should be. We’re supposed to be the top predator in the food chain, not the second link. Fortunately, events like this are rare which is why they attract people’s attention as they do.

Fly Fishing for Bass in Orlando

Some of the most fun and exciting fly fishing in central Florida involves chasing largemouth bass. Almost every body of water larger than a couple acres holds bass. They're not the only species in that water, either. Spotted gar, bowfin, various sunfish species, crappie, and other fishes make every day fishing here an adventure.

The Ermine: A Weasel By Another Name

“If they were as big as a bear, it wouldn’t be safe to go in the woods,” Dad said. Those were his comments to his young son after I told him about my first encounter with a weasel at the end of deer hunt. I’d been sitting at the base of a blown down tree when I first saw the flicker of white in the fallen branches.