All in Deer Hunting

A Cold But Successful Opening Day To The Wisconsin Deer Season

Some hard-core deer hunters have referred to the traditional deer gun season in the northern tier of states as holy week as they filter into deer camp in the days before the opener. Although my son Kyle and I enjoy deer season as a way to share a father-son bond and, hopefully anyway, secure a winter’s supply of free range, healthy protein, we hunt out of our home and enjoy the creature comforts it provides. This year was no different.

Five Grunt Call Tricks that Work

A grunt call can turn an ordinary day into a big buck celebration. It’s easy to use, inexpensive, and can bring the deer of your dreams right to you. Over 30 years of chasing whitetails, I’ve learned that a grunt tube can be a hunter’s best friend and often creates hunting opportunities from seemingly non-existent situations.