Brown-headed cowbirds are unusual birds. They are just one of many species of native blackbirds, and as the name says, even though the body feathers of the male birds are black, they have a noticeably brown head.
Brown-headed cowbirds are unusual birds. They are just one of many species of native blackbirds, and as the name says, even though the body feathers of the male birds are black, they have a noticeably brown head.
Gray Tree Frogs are very small creatures, typically measuring 1.5 to 2 inches long. Believe it or not, these tiny amphibians are equipped with two amazing “super powers”. One of those remarkable powers is their climbing ability.
At the north end of the Mosquito Lagoon a labyrinth of islands, channels, and shallow ponds hosts loads of wading birds, dolphins, redfish, and seatrout. Canaveral National Seashore administers a dozen National Park Service campsites here.
Most of us have seen barn swallows flying around the countryside, but how many have seen a cliff swallow? The American cliff swallow is a member of the bird family that includes swallows and martins. These small, swift birds breed throughout much of the United States during the summer and migrate to South America during the winter.
There’s something unsettling, visceral even, about a bear attacking a person. It’s not the way it should be. We’re supposed to be the top predator in the food chain, not the second link. Fortunately, events like this are rare which is why they attract people’s attention as they do.
Crayfish are freshwater crustaceans that look like miniature lobsters. People around here call them crayfish, crawfish, crawdads or mudbugs, but if you lived in Europe or Australia you might call them yabbies!
Turkey camps reinforce friendships, increase success through shared experiences, maximize fun, and bring new members into the fold. Here’s how to start this great tradition.
The lowly rockbass is the first fish caught by many kids. These members of the sunfish family are aggressive and will eagerly take most small baits presented to them. That makes them the perfect target for young anglers.
The Common Loon is an interesting bird. Although not normally seen in many of the central states during the summer, in the spring they can be observed on lakes and reservoirs as they migrate north in search of nesting grounds.
Some of the most fun and exciting fly fishing in central Florida involves chasing largemouth bass. Almost every body of water larger than a couple acres holds bass. They're not the only species in that water, either. Spotted gar, bowfin, various sunfish species, crappie, and other fishes make every day fishing here an adventure.
Snakes are interesting creatures. Many people don’t like them or are frightened by them, but snakes are very beneficial and they are a vital and natural part of the ecosystem. One fascinating species of snake in the United States is the Smooth Green Snake (Opheodrys vernalis).
This story started a long time ago, about 30 or so million years*. Deposition of calcium-rich sediments over millions of years in, what was at that time, a shallow sea created limestone beds that are thousands of feet thick. Floridians live on top of that limestone!