Flat Tops Wilderness Elk Hunt

Every archer dreams of hunting elk in the Rocky Mountains, riding on horseback deep into the interior, and matching wits with bugling bulls. I was fortunate enough to experience that dream, and it was everything I hoped it would be.

On the Oconoluftee, With a Fly Rod

Gentle rain fell. The brook murmured gently in some places, fairly roared in others. Tammy Wilson and Jim Tedesco waded carefully, casting flies in an attempt to fool a wary trout. We were fishing the Oconoluftee River, on the reservation of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee, in western North Carolina.

Turkey Season 2022: A Duel At Dawn

Some traits are crucial for hunters when we chase the variety of renewable natural resources available to us. An awareness of our surroundings, patience, and the determination to succeed are some of those traits. Another might be a sense of humor, because sometimes the best-laid plans turn into comedy of errors.

Alaska Fishing Lodge or DYI?

I have fished the Petersburg, Alaska area for salmon and halibut for 20 years, relying on Island Point Lodge for housing, meals, and gear. A week’s stay at the lodge including boat, tackle, bait, gas, and great hospitality was about $2500.