Most birds are great insect hunters. Robins, woodpeckers, barn swallows – there are plenty of birds that hunt insects. One of the most secretive bug hunters, however, is the brown creeper (Certhia Americana).
Most birds are great insect hunters. Robins, woodpeckers, barn swallows – there are plenty of birds that hunt insects. One of the most secretive bug hunters, however, is the brown creeper (Certhia Americana).
New Hampshire Highway 112, more commonly called the Kancamagus Highway, offers motorists one of the most scenic roads in New England. In the fall, when the leaves are changing color, it's particularly breath-taking.
The red fox is a beautiful, but rarely seen member of our wildlife community. Their bright red fur is hard to forget, and their playful antics can be comical for those lucky enough to see them. Since they are most active at night and very secretive by day, most people never see them.
After being with us in Lovell almost two weeks, Maryann had to leave on Sunday. Susan wondered what she'd do during the coming week. I suggested she go back to Winthrop with Maryann. She could visit friends and visit Boston. I'd meet her near the end of the week.
The red-bellied woodpecker is a medium-sized woodpecker that lives year-round in most of the eastern United States. Since it has bright red plumage on the back of its head, it is often confused with the red-headed woodpecker.
“I Suck at Fly Fishing." It's a sentence on a bumper sticker gifted to me by a friend. I didn't know how much it applied to me this day, but I certainly sucked at following directions. Bob Duport had emailed them to me, along with a map. I went to the wrong place, and now I was more than 30 minutes late for our rendezvous.
Anyone who has gone fishing and caught a northern pike knows one thing for sure: they have sharp teeth! Northern pike are carnivorous fish that grow to large sizes and are often pursued by sport fishermen. Why? Because they eagerly strike artificial lures and put up a great fight.
Ralph moved us to the Pond House, still in Lovell, Maine. The previous cabin (the one with the squirrels) had been nice. This place was a major upgrade, though! All wood paneling and ceilings, fireplaces, comfortable leather furniture, pond views out of enormous windows, nicer than our home, certainly nicer than the van.
There is a very tiny bird that migrates through much of the United States at this time of year that goes unnoticed by most people. It is larger than a hummingbird, but not by much. A normal house sparrow is almost twice as big as this bird. It is only 3 to 4 inches long and weighs less than a third of an ounce! So what is it? It is the small but very energetic Golden-Crowned Kinglet.
We settled in, then began checking our surroundings. The cabin was a 60-second walk from Kezar Lake, one of Maine's premier fisheries. Numerous other ponds were nearby. We had access to kayaks, and canoes, and a johnboat. The surrounding area had farm stands, and hikes, and restaurants, and best of all, we had an entire month here.
A grunt call can turn an ordinary day into a big buck celebration. It’s easy to use, inexpensive, and can bring the deer of your dreams right to you. Over 30 years of chasing whitetails, I’ve learned that a grunt tube can be a hunter’s best friend and often creates hunting opportunities from seemingly non-existent situations.
Sandhill cranes are some of the tallest birds in North America. They stand a full four feet tall and have an impressive wingspan of more than seven feet. Some individual examples have a light tan hue to their feathers, but most are a dull gray.