The Northern Flicker is a large woodpecker that lives throughout the United States and most of North America. These birds are a bit larger than an American Robin and are often seen on the ground, similar to Robins.
The Northern Flicker is a large woodpecker that lives throughout the United States and most of North America. These birds are a bit larger than an American Robin and are often seen on the ground, similar to Robins.
In the western United States, the fastest land animal is the Pronghorn. They look like antelope, and many people called these animals “pronghorn antelope” and “prairie antelope”, but they are actually not antelope at all.
Hornets! Bald-Faced Hornets! When some people hear those words, their first thought is to run! But there is no need to fear bald-faced hornets in most cases.
The Eastern Phoebe is a very accomplished flycatcher. This bird is dark brown on its back, head and wings (dark gray on some individuals), and has a white or off-white belly and breast.
Of all the different frog species in North America, one of the most unusual and interesting is the Crawfish Frog. These shy frogs spend most of their lives underground, so few people ever see them.
American Crows are large, common birds that can be found throughout most of the United States and even much of Canada during the breeding season. One area that they really avoid is the dry, desert regions of the southwest USA.
A lot of people do not like snakes. But snakes are actually a valuable part of the environment, and they have an important role to play wherever they live. Most snakes are totally harmless, too.
There are many birds that are often heard but rarely seen. One of those is the elusive Red-Eyed Vireo. These birds are a dull olive-green color above with a white breast.
Minnows are interesting fish that most people never think about. When people do think of minnows, they usually think about them as being used as bait to catch bigger fish.
Gulls, or seagulls, as many people refer to them, comprise a large group of birds that are associated with water and coastlines. The Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes – all of these host populations of different species of gulls.
Caterpillars are cool creatures. They hatch from tiny eggs and usually grow through multiple stages, or instars, before going through the amazing process of metamorphosis and turning into a beautiful butterfly or moth.
Of all the various shorebirds in North America, the Least Sandpiper is the smallest. In fact, they are only a little larger than a sparrow. They are mostly brown above with mottling on their head, back and wings. Their bright white belly stands out against their coal-black eyes and bill.