Willets are a somewhat drab, nondescript-looking shorebird. They are fairly large, about the size of an American crow, with a wingspan measuring nearly 28 inches in length.
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Willets are a somewhat drab, nondescript-looking shorebird. They are fairly large, about the size of an American crow, with a wingspan measuring nearly 28 inches in length.
Wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, bees – most people don’t like them. The reason is simple, too. These insects are capable of delivering a very painful sting, and since they can fly through the air they can chase you!
Most people don’t like beetles. And it’s understandable, since most beetles fall into the “creepy-crawly” category. But some beetles are very interesting. Take longhorn beetles, for example.
Skipper butterflies are very small, and the Least Skipper is certainly one of the smallest of the skippers. Least Skippers, also called Least Skipperlings, have a wingspan of only three-quarters of an inch to one inch.
Many birds are somewhat secretive. The hermit thrush is one of those stealthy birds. These inconspicuous birds tend to move around and hunt for insects in the brushy undergrowth of woodlands and along the edges of northern forests.
Turtles are common sights around ponds, lakes, and streams, and there are about 58 different species of turtles living in the United States today.
The American white ibis is a fairly large wading bird of the southeastern United States, and especially of the Gulf Coast. As their name implies, they are mostly white in color, although the tips of their wings are black.
Stink bugs – who likes them? There are many species of stink bugs native to the United States, and the biggest problem with them is they emit a stinky odor when handled. Luckily, the populations of native species are kept in check by local natural predators.
Have you ever seen an Anhinga? They are a warm weather bird, so if you live in the central or northern USA you will likely never see one around home. You will need to travel to Florida or the Gulf Coast for the best chance at seeing one.
Fall is almost over already and winter is approaching. But not long ago some of our most beautiful butterflies were still active. These are the Buckeye butterflies.
Almost everyone has seen a pigeon. People who live in the city often see them in parks or around buildings, while those living in the country can see them in and around barns and grain silos.
Most people don’t like wasps, and for good reason – they can sting you! But not all wasps can sting, and even though the long-tailed giant ichneumon wasp looks pretty scary and intimidating, it is totally harmless to humans.