Have you ever heard of a bird called the Dickcissel? It seems like a very strange name, but like the names of many birds, the name comes from the song that this bird sings.
Have you ever heard of a bird called the Dickcissel? It seems like a very strange name, but like the names of many birds, the name comes from the song that this bird sings.
Invasive species have become all too common in recent years, and things don’t appear to be getting any better. There are invasive fish, invasive plants and far too many invasive insects. One of those foreign insects that have appeared in the USA within the past decade is the Spotted Lanternfly.
There is a very secretive bird out there that is an expert at evading the sight of most people. It is a relatively small bird that loves wetlands and marshy areas, and it spends most of its time walking along muddy shorelines amid reeds and thick cattail stands looking for food.
The melodious chirping of crickets on a quiet summer night is a familiar sound to most people. The crickets we hear are one of several species of common field crickets, and they can be pretty hard to tell apart. Crickets can be found throughout most of the United States and even parts of Canada and Mexico.
Water. A compound unique in all the Universe. Beautiful in any of its natural states. Humans crave the stuff. We drink it, bathe in it, swim in it, float on it, boat on it, ski and snowshoe on it. We want to live next to it. It makes up well more than half of every individual's mass.
When it comes to small, hyperactive birds, the Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher is right up there near the top of the list. These tiny birds are smaller than a house wren, but larger than a hummingbird. They are a bluish-gray color on their backs and head, with a white belly and a bright white eye-ring around their eyes.
Dragonflies and damselflies are common sights along the shorelines of streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and other bodies of water. Most of them are very colorful and downright beautiful, and the Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly is no exception.
One of the common forest birds of the northeastern and north-central United States is the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak. This beautiful bird is slightly smaller than an American robin, but larger than a house finch.
"That's a lot of money, John." Susan was telling me something I already knew. "It is. But I don't want to walk up to the South Rim, look over, and say 'I've been there.' I want to go down into it. And when will we ever get the chance to do this again?" I replied.
There is a tremendous number of different species of lizards living in the continental United States: more than 150 different species! Every state except Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island has populations of native lizards.
One of the more distinctive-looking songbirds in the USA is the tiny common yellowthroat. These beautiful little birds are slightly smaller than a sparrow, and the males are quite colorful. Male common yellowthroats have olive-colored wings, tail and back.
The bluegill is one of the most popular species of fish in the Midwest, if not the entire country. Bluegills are part of the sunfish family, and they are often called panfish. This is because they have a relatively tall, flat-sided shape and they fit well in a frying pan when it is time to cook them for dinner!