Keeping Your Seasons Straight in Mississippi


While it is important to have a hunting license before stalking that big buck, it is equally important to know when it is lawful to do so. Different areas of the state of Mississippi have different times of the year when different animals may be hunted, and for the uninitiated, knowing when and where legal hunting may take place can be a daunting task.

Fortunately, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries publishes a comprehensive guide to hunting seasons throughout the state.

In the Delta, for example, legal bowhunting begins on September 30 and ends on November 17. In the Southeastern part of the state (the coastal area of Mississippi extending north through parts of Jones County), legal archery hunting does not begin until October 14. Fines for shooting deer out of season can be as high as $500.

You can find the full seasonal regulations from MDWF for the 2017-2018 season by clicking here.

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