Wildlife Watching Wednesday: The Green Heron - The Silent Stalker

Wildlife Watching Wednesday: The Green Heron - The Silent Stalker

By: Tom Berg

Herons are very interesting birds, and one of the smallest herons is no exception: it is the green heron. Green herons are relatively short and stocky (they stand about 17 inches tall), with a small head and a large, sharp beak. Adults have a green back and an even darker green cap on their head. Their neck and chest is a deep chestnut brown, marked with mottled white stripes.

Green herons have long necks like most herons, but they usually compress their neck and pull it in close to their body, making themselves look hunch-backed. Unlike most herons which hunt for small fish by wading, green herons prefer to catch their prey by slowly walking along the water’s edge. That shallow water is where they capture minnows and other small fish. They also eat small snakes, frogs, crayfish and other critters.

Stealth and patience are two of the green heron’s primary traits. These birds can stand perfectly still for what seems like an eternity, patiently waiting for dinner to get within striking distance. When it does, the stalking heron lunges forward with incredible speed, extending its neck as far as possible in the blink of an eye as it strikes. Most minnows don’t stand a chance.

In addition to its skill as a stealthy hunter, the green heron is also very smart. These birds are one of only a very few bird species in the world that actively use tools. Green herons have been known to drop a small feather or insect into the water and use it as a lure to attract small fish like minnows or juvenile bluegills. When the unsuspecting fish comes in for a closer look, the heron nabs it!

Anyone who owns a small garden pond with koi or goldfish should be wary of green herons, though. These crafty birds are known to visit small ornamental ponds while searching for their next meal. So pond owners should make sure their fish have a safe place to hide from stalking herons!

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