Wildlife Watching Wednesday: The Tiny But Fierce Screech Owl
By: Tom Berg
There are many species of owls in the United States, but one of the smallest and most interesting is the eastern screech owl. These tiny owls measure only 6-9 inches tall, but don’t let their small size fool you. They are very successful predators, often capturing and eating animals that are larger and heavier than themselves!
Screech owls are only about the size of an American robin, but they are thick and stocky. Their large head features pointed ear tufts that they can raise or lower depending on their mood. Screech owls have two basic color phases: the gray morph and the red (rufous) morph. Regardless of color, their feathers are patterned to look almost exactly like tree bark. When sitting motionless against a tree trunk, they are almost invisible.
Like most owls, screech owls are nocturnal. They hunt by night and roost during the day. During the summertime they eat a variety of insects, from crickets and moths to beetles and cicadas. During the fall and winter, they rely heavily on small mammals like mice, voles and squirrels. They also eat many species of small birds, often plucking them right off of their night-time roosts.
The eastern screech owl has superior vision and excellent hearing, both of which help it locate and catch its prey at night. In fact, their hearing is so good they can hear a mouse chewing on grass or seeds beneath several inches of snow. Once prey is located, they swoop down from their perch and seize it in their strong talons.
Screech owls usually make their nests in tree cavities, such as abandoned woodpecker nests or natural hollow spots in the tree. They will also make use of man-made nest boxes. Nest boxes made for wood ducks seem to be especially attractive to screech owls.
Surprisingly, one of the screech owl’s main enemies is larger owls like the great horned owl. Both owls live in the same forested areas, so the smaller screech owls must avoid these bigger owls at all costs. Evidently they are pretty successful!
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